Rescind Citizenship & Status Correction
This is the final step in reclaiming your sovereignty, rescind citizenship and returning all documents pertaining to a citizen back to the issuing and previous ‘authority’. Governments or the UN will most likely ignore your efforts, consider doing this is small groups, apparently, 30.000 ex-Canadians have done so in the past.
There are obviously many slightly different approaches, most of them still trial & error, evidently due to the reluctance of the system to let its subjects aka human collateral go. The continued non-response to any such demands only confirming a level of complicity or admission of guilt. It is about revoking all (fraudulent) contracts with any state completely or at the very least informing its agents appropriately about it, subsequently achieving status correction, become a people with standing, in your own private unlimited capacity, in truth and with honour. Garry Davis was the first man to initiate such process when he established World Service Authority in 1954. It wasn’t easy, got him into trouble and arrested on a few occasions, but he was the first registered citizen to voluntarily become stateless and unregistered world citizen. See the links section for other people’s websites and ideas on how to go about this or look at his court case from 1981. Some want nothing to do with any legal name, i.e. the ALL CAPS NAME, strawman, fictitious person or token, others want to claim it, or re-venue it into a foreign/private/common law trust; some could live with dual ‘personhood’ and others are purists, only able to serve one master, whether that be self, god or the universe at large. Below is the approach of Jan: a people, sent off in March 2018 with almost no response until today, except from the German consulate, but awaiting more feedback.
Email to Corporate Agencies revoking Citizenship
Supporting Documents :
Jan Lohfeldt (New Earth Nation Declaration)
WSA – The Ellsworth Declaration
UN – Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (note : above email explains why ‘indigenous’ is inappropriate and to be avoided in our efforts)
UN – Universal Declaration of Human Rights
WSA – Memorandum on World Government
Right To Travel Arizona (Senator Wayne Stump, 1985)
Constitutional Court Case No. CCT 19-14 (2014.02.03)
Not exactly fast forward to 2022, but another 4 years of observation, refining and learning, Jan: a people made his final approach, the last stand, the culmination of 10 years investigation into matrix matters. In his own words, piece of mind, truth at heart, served and couriered on various institutions on earth :
This declaration of conscience was accompanied by a letter of instruction and a set of previous documents, click here to view the complete document.
Undoing the unlawful registration or conversion is a process and in all likelihood never going to be accepted by any corporate state in the world. They cannot and will not let you go voluntarily, since you are their collateral, standing surety for future loans. Best we can do is notify them about our migration and at some stage collectively return any of their documents.
Here are a few other attempts and approaches :
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How to avoid registering your children as property of the state aka human collateral for future international loans :
Another man’s single-handed approach can be explored here, without revoking citizenship, but rather using the citizenship aka PERSON to perform its commercial duty, although now privately owned.